Further Adventures of Susan Adams Ch. 07
As the picture ended, all three were silent for a few moments, but the air was electric, as if in anticipation of a storm. Suddenly, Jean blurted out, “Please, Don, I can explain!”
Don’s reply, while mild in volume, carried such menace that both women froze for a moment, and, as Jean cowered back against the pillow, Susan hurriedly got off the bed. Don moved over to the edge, and without further comment, swung Jean over his knees. Jean was a fairly heavy, strong woman, but he handled her as if she were a lightweight. “You’ll explain, all right, but you’re going to learn a lesson first!
Don’s obvious anger and the sudden turn of events left Susan disconcerted and, somehow, muddled – the shift from sexual excitement to a domestic catastrophe left her weak and she collapsed into a chair, her eyes focused of the tableau before her. She had read somewhere that a woman never looked more attractive, and vulnerable, than when draped over someone’s knees, ready to be spanked. The comment had made her furious at the time, but, looking at Jean, she had to admit that there was some truth to it. Jean’s hips, larger and plumper than Susan’s, made a lovely, velvety- looking mound over Don’s lap, an impression of softness belied by the play of strong muscles as she clenched her cheeks in anticipation of what was coming. Her breasts, larger but not as ?rm as Susan’s, hung down like cone-shaped, gelatin-?lled balloons, the nipples actually reaching past the level of her chin. Even before anything happened, they were swaying back and forth as Jean tried to turn up toward Don to ask for mercy – which wasn’t going to be granted.
It’s amazing what can go through a person’s mind in a few seconds, for Susan suddenly was astonished to realize that she actually was feeling envious of Jean. She certainly was not envying what was going to happen to that round, pink bottom in the next few minutes, for she knew all too well from personal experience the pain Don’s large, hard hand was going to in?ict. She realized, in a moment of self-revelation, that what she liked – no, loved – was the feeling she got from having a larger, stronger person easily bend her over their knees where she would lie, exposed and defenseless, as they prepared to punish her. It was the lying there, the complete subjugation, having been overpowered and her fate out of her hands that had that weird appeal. However, she was not a masochist. She hated to be hurt, but she also liked, or loved, the feeling at the end of istanbul travesti the spanking, that feeling of having been mastered and no being subservient to a kindly master – or mistress.
That moment of introspection, or self-revelation (and envy), ended as she saw Don’s hand go up to begin the spanking, and she shuddered, realizing the pain that soon would be wreaked on Jean’s bottom. For the ?rst time, she was going to see another woman spanked when she was not personally involved. Also for the first time, she got that ambivalent feeling that Jean had when Susan was being spanked – sympathy for her friend but, at the same time, a surge of sexual heat like that generated by a sexy movie.
Suddenly, without warning, Don brought his hand down with a violent smack, actually almost a clapping noise. The noise resounded throughout the room, blending with a cry of agony from Jean. The merciless blows began in a steady rhythm, interspersed with Don’s furious comments: “You lied”….smack….”to me”….smack…. “I asked”….smack….”you if….smack…. “John said or”….smack….”did anything”….smack….”to you, and you”….smack… “deliberately” ….smack…. “let me . . .smack. . . .”think”…smack…”that nothing”…. smack….”happened!” “That’s”. . . .smack . . . . “the same as”….smack….”a lie!”….smack….smack….smack….”I don’t care”…. smack….”if he fucks”….smack….”you every time”….smack….”you see him”….smack….”but don’t”….smack….”lie about it!”
The wrathful spanking went on and on, Jean’s ass cheeks went from a rosy pink to crimson to a deep, ?ery red. Her cries of pain, mixed with pleas for mercy and promises never to do it again, fell on deaf ears as Don worked out his rage. This however, was not the jealous fury of a cuckolded husband punishing an unfaithful wife. Don had never felt that he owned Jean’s cunt (or any other part of her body), nor did he feel personally diminished or betrayed by her adultery. As she well knew, any sin she committed would be ignored or forgiven as long as she didn’t hide it or lie to him. Oddly enough, she felt that the punishment was justi?ed and, as she had said to Susan long ago, the suffering she went through made her feel better afterwards.
For Susan, watching the spanking was a revelation. When she had seen Jean spanked that one time before, she had been totally stunned by the whole situation, able to see only the misery that Jean was going through. Certainly, on that occasion, she had seen no erotic element, istanbul travestileri nor had she even considered how Jean looked. Now, however, she found herself enthralled, no longer really upset with the spanking, itself, so different from the sadistic paddling she had received as a teenager. Now, the provocative element was there as she watched Jean’s ass rising proudly over Don’s knees, to be ?attened by the continually spanking hand, and to rebound as it pulled away.
She also was fascinated by the swaying and jouncing of her breasts, each seeming to almost have a life of its own. She had seen her own breasts reacting to the spanking on the dvd from Maine, but this action was different – and was occurring only a few feet away. The sexual stimulation she had felt while watching the new dvd, drained away by its shocking ending and Don’s inevitable reaction, returned, and she felt herself becoming more and more aroused, actually squirming in her seat, as she stared. She decided, despite herself, that watching a pretty woman being spanked is a very sensual experience.
Inevitably, of course, Don’s outrage subsided, his spanking hand slowed, and, after a few last, vigorous “smacks,” he stopped and helped Jean to her feet. Contrite and compliant, as always after a spanking, Jean tearfully described her condition, i.e. mentally frozen, when he had asked her about John, and how she had been looking for a time to confess. Her confession and remorse, combined with the erotic effects of the spanking, led to a very exhilarating fucking session with Susan, as usual, receiving the ejaculation deep within her cunt.
With the trauma and the immediate sexual compulsion over, they were able to discuss the entire episode, how Jean had felt as John screwed her and, of course, how Susan felt about hg sexual ordeal – if that is what it was. Susan, for the first time, was able to rub the soothing cream on Jean’s burning ass, as she had on Susan’s bottom many times. Needless to say, that led to cunt and ass fondling and fingering, and, as might be expected, a rekindling of the sexual ?ames in both women.
Less expected, however, was Don’s reaction to the detailed recounting of the feelings of Jean and Susan. He found Susan’s story of her mixed emotions to be stimulating, but, by far, most exciting, was Jean’s explicit description of John’s and her fervent sexual activities, from showing her cunt to the final screwing, ending with her admission that she had really istanbul travesti enjoyed being taken by John so vigorously. Don found himself to be unbelievably aroused by Jean having been fucked, and they looked at that piece of dvd several times.
Finally, Don entered Jean, who was also wildly excited, and pounded her to a monstrous climax. Pulling out on the verge of orgasm himself, Don plunged into Susan. He was so aroused that his cock drove deeply into her cunt and withdrew completely before entering again, bucking against her in such frenzy that his cock wouldn’t stay in. Almost immediately, the cock began spewing cum, depositing some inside as he entered, jetting onto the outside of her cunt as he came out, ?lling her cunt and coating the hair and lips at the same time. Finally he leaned back, exhausted, his cock resting on her clit, still exuding the last remnants of his ejaculation.
That, of course, was the end of the evening, but it was only the ?rst time that the movies led to a resounding sexual encounter. In fact, all three found the experience extraordinarily exciting, and, in the future, they were able to review both movies at leisure, the viewing of which never failing to create tremendous incentive for even more erotic activities. Actually, of course, that evening was not over for Susan as she went home to her husband – who was waiting eagerly for his own sexual rendezvous.
Fortunately, she had not had time to reach orgasm with Don, so she was more than ready. She lay back and raised her legs, waiting to be licked, knowing full well that the outside of her cunt, as well as the inside, was covered with fresh cum, a very “messy” cunt, as she thought of it. She had some trepidations, but she was so aroused by everything that had happened that she really wanted Jim to really taste the results of her adultery. Fortunately, Jim liked her “messy,” and was even more excited, himself, as he, unknowingly, licked Don’s cum off of and out of his wife’s cunt. This all led to a ?nal, explosive mutual orgasm, and the end of a very exciting evening, with many more to come.
That second Maine trip was the end of, probably, the most eventful ?ve or six months in Susan’s entire life, both in terms of experiences and behavior changes. Life now returned to a more normal, but busy, pattern. The mundane activities mentioned before, plus working with Jean, ?lled the hours of Susan’s days as she moved further into her pregnancy. Her bodily changes gradually limited her carnal activities, but one way or another, she continued to participate in both marital and extra-marital sex right until the end. There was one difference, however – she could not be spanked! It should be noted, however, that both Jean and Don made a point of keeping detailed records of punishable behavior, and, as Susan was continually warned, retribution, was coming!